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Mural Wall Art Case Study

Week 1 & 2:  Find Wall and secure it 
Week 3 & 4: Create Design Revisions to submit Client
Week 5 & 6: Create Contract

Taki Nori Art Package
This art packet entails the client's Concepts and desired design. The introduction into the feel, and vibe of the Sushi bar is fun, hip, unexpected and embraces the Japanese traditional elements found in the materials used. The Mural's intent is to add flavor and be memorable. The client would like to see movement in the artwork and tell a story that ties in with the restraurant. 
The contract helps to create a formal structure to the artwork so that both parties have an understanding of what is agreed upon. 

- Define the budget/ deposit
- Outline design and draft the process
- What are terms and agreements
- Create a schedule for the project and set dates when you plan to work on your design.
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